Monday 28 February 2011

MM - Concept Development

1. Treatment: A 'normal' 20-year-old man, is getting the train back from work at the normal time, everything seems normal, however strange things are happening to everything around him. Will he be able to get away in time...

2. Character for opening sequence: Marcus Moffitt as the 20 year old man, Joshua Marchant and Callum Bennett as mutated humans.

3. Plot outline:

  • Establishing shot of the train

  • The main character gets on the train and is listening to his ipod, music is playing as though the ipod is playing out loud.

  • Two titles are displayed on the train

  • Someone on the train sitting opposite the main character is acting strange

  • The main character gets of the train quickly

  • And is attacked by a zombie outside the station shelter

  • He pushes off the zombie and starts to run towards the tunnel

  • In the tunnel a mutated person jumps into the main character and he gets the virus

  • He hastily runs out of the tunnel but collapses outside the tunnel

  • As swarms of zombies run out of the tunnel, everything goes black

4. Locations: Tunnel, platform and train

5. Soundtrack: We are thinking of using music, but not throughout the whole sequence as the main character puts in his ipod the music will start and as he stops it so will the soundtrack.

6. Fonts of titles: DOKTOR TERROR


1 comment:

  1. comments need to support font choices particularly as they are not showing up on blog,the treatment is supposed to be of the entire film, this needs to be made clear
