Wednesday 9 March 2011

CB-Pitch Feedback

From our pitch feedback we have learnt that to make a good 'zombie' opening sequence will be hard to do well and could look cheap and 'tacky'.

We need to focus on:
Costumes of our zombies to give an effective and realistic look.
Contrast our zombies to give a vibrant red, representing blood.
Soundtrack will need to be chosen very specifically to represent either a playful or ironic theme.
Permission for our opening sequence is also needed from South Eastern train company.

Overall we now know that to make our opening sequence good, a lot of detail and effort will be needed, otherwise it will look cheap and tacky.

1 comment:

  1. I think that we have and will be able to do each of the points very well. For instance we have found a great soundtrack that we all like, and the costume and make up we used last weekend was quite effective. However we do have to go into a lot of detail to make it look even better.
